Space - Throw Arrow keys - Move
Unicycle Hero is a thrilling, Olympic-inspired skill game designed by Unept, where you need to showcase your athletic talents in 9 exciting events. However, there's a catch! Can you maintain your balance on a unicycle while throwing heavy objects? That’s the challenge in Unicycle Hero on Poki. Enhance your abilities with upgrades to boost your performance, and purchase outfits to flaunt your unique style. Do you have what it takes to become the Unicycle Hero?
Space - Throw
Arrow keys - Move
Unicycle Hero is a game developed by Unept, a US-based game developer. You can also enjoy their other titles on, such as Unicycle Legend, Into the Pit, and Lava Bird.
You can enjoy playing Unicycle Hero at no cost on Gamestoday.
Unicycle Hero is available for play on both computers and mobile devices such as phones and tablets.
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