Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 is an exciting platformer developed by Brad Borne. In the first installment of this iconic series, you will set off on a dangerous quest to rescue your sister who has been kidnapped. Navigate through thick forests, underwater caves, and pirate ships as you stomp, kick, and slash your foes using a variety of 40 melee weapons. Discover the captivating maps to uncover secrets, hidden levels, achievements, costumes, and much more! The beautiful hand-drawn graphics, enjoyable animations, and great sense of humor in Fancy Pants Adventures will surely impress you. So put on your fancy pants and get started!
How to play:
Control movements using the left and right arrow keys, jump with the S key, interact by pressing the up arrow key, duck with the down arrow key, and pause the game using the space bar.
About the creator:
Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 was developed by Brad Borne. Be sure to explore their other iconic game on gamestoday